The Three Kingdoms Wiki
Liu Yu
Character information
Force(s): Han Dynasty
Liu Yu's Forces
Significant Battle(s):
Zhang Chun's Rebellion
Historical information
Real name: Liu Yu
Chinese name: 劉虞
Born: ?
Died: 193

Liu Yu was a Han Dynasty warlord who was the Imperial Protector of You Province.


In 184, when the Yellow Turbans rebelled, Liu Yu raised the call for volunteers and this initiated the creation of the volunteer army which led to the foundations of Shu; the Three Sworn Brothers met during this recruition. Liu Yu was also the commander of Han forces against the rebellion of Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju, and employed the services of Liu Bei after recommendation by Liu Hui. After crushing the rebellion, he was promoted to Grand Commander. When the Alliance against Dong Zhuo was formed, he was offered the title of Emperor since he was related to an emperor of the past, but refused. This came back to haunt him when Gongsun Zan invaded and killed him after thinking that he was going to seize the throne.
